Thursday, July 19, 2012

52 on Friday-Week Twenty nine

  A blog circle of photographers from all over the world, both amateur and professional alike, sharing their interpretations of a common theme.  At the bottom of each post, click the link for the next photographer until you come full circle, back here to my blog.


I just love how the center of a flower is framed by the layers of petals around it's edges. 

Have a look at what photographer Christa Paustenbaugh of Okinawa, Japan and five other photographers framed  by clicking here


  1. i too love this flower and your capture of it's framed center. the lighting is just perfect on the flower. love it.

  2. I like how the frame is circular.....the light in this photo is fantastic too.

  3. Neat little flower you have here. I think it fits this weeks theme perfectly.

  4. These colors are really great! I love this photo!!

  5. Really cool idea for framed Cathy - great colours here!

  6. cathy... this is gorgeous! you're so right about how the petals frame the center of the flower! great take on the theme! i love it!
